
1.1. Welcome to Voxera! We offer programs designed to help you learn and gain experience to kickstart your career in the field of technology.

1.2. Voxera is operated by BlocTech Solutions (referred to as “we,” “our,” or “us”). Our Programs are accessible through our website (Site): https://voxera.io.

1.3. On the Site, we provide information on how you can access our Programs.


2.1. Please be aware that our Programs do not constitute internships with us or any affiliated businesses. You acknowledge and agree to the following:

(a) You will not receive compensation for participating in our Programs.

(b) Your participation in our Programs is entirely your choice.

(c) Our Programs may not satisfy requirements imposed by educational institutions.

(d) Participation in our Programs is not obligatory for obtaining a qualification from any educational institution.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


3.1. By accessing or using our Site, or clicking “I accept” (or similar), you:

(a) Confirm that you have reviewed these Terms of Service, including our Privacy Policy (available on the Site) (Terms).

(b) Confirm that you have the legal capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement with us.

(c) Agree to use the Site in accordance with these Terms.

Intellectual Property

4.1. Protecting the intellectual property of all Program participants is crucial. You agree not to copy, reproduce, share, or create derivative works from Program content that is not your User Content, including other participants’ portfolio projects.

4.2. All intellectual property developed by us or our personnel, including Program resources, content, materials, templates, and communications, remains vested in us (referred to as Content in these Terms).

4.3. Any improvements made by either party will vest in us. This includes any modifications to our templates.

4.4. During the Program, you have a limited, personal-use license to access and download Content and Improvements.

4.5. You retain intellectual property rights over the content you create through Program participation.

4.6. You grant us a license to use your intellectual property for Program delivery and portfolio display on our Site, as described in these Terms.

4.7. You may consent to share your Program portfolio with third parties, like potential employers, granting us a license to do so.

Fees and Payment

5.1. To access the Program, an entry fee, as specified on the Site (Entry Fee), is required.

5.2. Payment of Entry Fees, Catch Up Fees, or other fees indicated on the Site can be made using designated payment methods. 

5.3. It is your responsibility to verify Program details, including fees, descriptions, inclusions, and other particulars.

5.4. Unless stated otherwise, all fees are in PKR and exclude applicable consumer taxes.
5.5. Fraudulent or unlawful payment attempts are strictly prohibited.

Withdrawal from a Program and Termination

Withdrawal from a Program

6.1. You may withdraw from a Program before its end date by sending us an email. Your withdrawal takes effect upon our receipt of your withdrawal notification. 

6.2. If you withdraw within 7 days of the Program’s start date, we refund any fees paid. After 7 days, a medical certificate or equivalent is required for deferral or refund eligibility.

Your Termination

You may terminate your Account at any time by emailing us.


7.1. To the maximum extent permitted by law:

(a) Our maximum aggregate liability is limited to fees paid by you.

(b) We are not liable for certain types of loss or damage, subject to your Statutory Rights.

7.2. This clause will survive termination of these Terms.


8.1. We may issue promotional discount codes for specific products on the Site. Conditions for using these codes will be specified on the Site when issued.

8.2. We may offer promotional schemes, such as the Referral Scheme, at our discretion. Details will be available on our Site, subject to updates. Compliance with these Terms and Site-published terms is required for participation.

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