Voxera, with its registered address at 4th floor GM Plaza, Kohinoor, FSD (referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our”), recognizes the importance of safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide to us or that we collect while delivering our website or during any other interactions with you.

Information We Collect

Personal Information: Personal information refers to data or opinions, whether accurate or not and whether recorded or not, that identifies or makes an individual reasonably identifiable.


The types of personal information we may collect about you include:

– Your name

– Your contact information, including email address, postal address, and/or telephone number

– Your level of expertise in a specific field

– Your date of birth

– Your credit card or other payment details (via our third-party payment processor)

– Your preferences and opinions

– Information you provide to us, such as through feedback, customer surveys, or other means

– Sensitive information (if required), as outlined below

– Details of the products and services we have provided to you, or that you have inquired about, and our responses

– Support requests submitted to us and our responses

– Browser session and geo-location data, device and network information, page views and session statistics, sources of acquisition, search queries, and browsing behavior

– Information about your usage of our Services, including via Internet cookies, your interactions with our online Services, your browser type, your operating system, and your Internet service provider’s domain name

– Any additional personal information you provide directly or indirectly, through your use of our Services, associated applications, associated social media platforms, and accounts from which we are authorized to collect information

– Any other personal information requested by us or provided by you or a third party


Sensitive Information: We do not actively request sensitive information about you. If we ever need to collect sensitive information about you, except as permitted by law, we will first obtain your consent and will only use it as required or authorized by law.

How We Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information through various methods, including:


– Directly: We collect personal information that you provide directly to us, such as when you register for an account, use the “contact us” form on our website, or request assistance via email or telephone.

– Indirectly: We may collect personal information indirectly as you interact with us, including when you use our website, communicate with us through email or telephone, or submit online inquiries.

– From Third Parties: We collect personal information from third parties, such as information regarding your website usage from our analytics and cookie providers and marketing partners. For more details on cookie usage, see the “Cookies” section below.

Why We Collect, Hold, Use, and Disclose Personal Information

We process your personal information for various purposes, based on legitimate business interests, fulfilling our contract with you, complying with legal obligations, and/or with your consent. These purposes include:


– Providing you access to and use of our Services

– Facilitating communication with you and providing support in response to any requests or inquiries you submit

– Internal record-keeping, administrative, invoicing, and billing purposes

– Conducting analytics, market research, and business development to enhance and improve our Services, associated applications, and social media platforms

– Running promotions, competitions, or offering additional benefits to you

– Advertising and marketing, including sending promotional information about our products, services, and other relevant content

– Complying with our legal obligations and resolving any disputes

– Considering employment applications, if you have applied for a position with us

– As required or authorized by law

Our Disclosures of Personal Information to Third Parties

We share and disclose your personal information only in the following circumstances:


– Contractual: We may share personal information with third-party partners to enable us to provide you with our Services, including sharing your personal information with recruiters.

– Compliance with Legal Obligations: We may disclose your personal information when legally required, such as in response to applicable laws, government requests, judicial proceedings, court orders, or legal processes, including court orders or subpoenas.

– Vital Interests: We may disclose your personal information when necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action against potential policy violations, suspected fraud, illegal activities, threats to safety, or when providing evidence in litigation proceedings.

– Third-Party Service Providers: We may share your personal information with third-party vendors, service providers, credit reference agencies, trade associations, credit card associations, contractors, or agents who perform services requiring access to such personal information, always in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

– Business Transfers: We may share or transfer your personal information in connection with mergers, sales of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or part of our business by another company.

– Third-Party Advertisers: We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information about your visits to our website and other websites to provide personalized advertisements. For more information, see our Cookie section.

– Business Partners: With your consent, we may share your personal information with our business partners to offer specific products, services, or promotions.

– With Your Consent: We may disclose your personal information for any other purpose with your consent.

– Google Analytics: We have enabled Google Analytics Advertising Features, including Remarketing Features, Advertising Reporting Features, Demographics and Interest Reports, Store Visits, Google Display Network Impression reporting, and more. To opt out of these features, please refer to Google’s settings.

Overseas Disclosure

We may store personal information overseas. When we or any third parties transfer your personal information overseas, we will take reasonable measures to protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. For transfers that require safeguards, we will only transfer your personal information to countries providing an adequate level of protection for personal information or use approved mechanisms (e.g., Standard Model Contractual Clauses). For more details, please contact us.


You may be required to provide consent for certain processing activities before we can process your personal information. We will seek your consent when you first submit personal information to us through the Services. If you previously provided consent, you may withdraw it at any time by emailing or using the “Unsubscribe” button in mailing list communications. Withdrawal of consent, where no other legal basis exists for processing, will result in discontinuation of the Services if personal information processing is necessary to access the Services.

Your Rights and Controlling Your Personal Information

You have rights concerning your personal information, depending on your location:


– Right of Access: You can request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and ensure its lawful processing. We may refuse requests based on valid reasons, which we will communicate.

– Right of Correction or Completion: If your personal information is inaccurate or outdated, you can request rectification or completion.

– Right of Erasure: In specific circumstances, you can request the erasure of your personal information.

– Right to Object or Restrict Processing: In certain situations, you can object to our processing of your personal information or request processing restrictions.

– Right of Data Portability: In certain cases, you can request to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

– Withdrawal of Consent: If we rely on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal does not affect previous lawful processing.

Storage and Security

We are dedicated to ensuring the security of your personal information. We employ physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, loss, misuse, or unlawful access.


Although we prioritize security, we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to us or by us over the Internet. We have established protocols to address suspected data security breaches and will notify you and any relevant supervisory body when legally required.


We may use cookies on our website. Cookies are text files placed in your web browser to store preferences. While cookies do not reveal your email address or other personally identifiable information by themselves, they recognize you upon your return to our website and may enable third parties (e.g., Google and Facebook) to display our advertisements on your social media and online feeds. Personal information you provide may be linked to cookie data.


We use the following types of cookies:


– Essential cookies: Required for our Services to function correctly.

– Analytical/performance cookies: Help us count visitors and understand how users navigate our Services.

– Functionality cookies: Enable us to recognize you when you return to our Services and customize your experience.

– Targeting cookies: Record your visits and page views to deliver relevant content and may be shared with third parties.


You can block cookies by adjusting your browser settings. However, blocking essential cookies may limit your access to parts of our website. We do not control third-party cookies.

Links to Other Websites

Our website may contain links to other websites beyond our control. We are not responsible for the privacy or security of information you provide on those websites. They are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information from Social Network Accounts

If you link your account with us to a social network account (e.g., Google), we will collect your personal information based on your social network privacy settings. The information may include your name, ID, username, profile picture, gender, age, language, friends or followers list, and other shared personal information.

Individuals Under 18

Our Services are not intended for individuals under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If you believe we have inadvertently collected personal information from someone under 18, please contact us immediately.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions and feedback regarding this Privacy Policy. For inquiries or complaints, contact us at:




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