Mobile Application

The Mobile App development course is a one-stop solution for anyone, whether a New Graduate, Student, or career-changer. It helps in bridging the skills gap, preparing you for your dream career, providing real-time practical exposure, and easing entry into the Mobile App Development Industry. So, get ready to bring your app ideas to life and be part of the digital revolution.

Time commitment

6-10 hours/week


12 Weeks


1 Portfolio

Enroll Before

1st Nov 2023

Time commitment

6-10 hours/week


12 Weeks


1 Portfolio

Enroll Before

1st Nov 2023

Time commitment

6-10 hours/week


1 Portfolio


12 Weeks

Enroll Before

1st Nov 2023

Time commitment

6-10 hours/week


12 weeks


1 portfolio

Enroll before

1st Nov 2023

What is Mobile App development?

Mobile app development is the process of designing, building, and testing software applications specifically for the mobile devices. These applications are developed to address a wide range of user needs and functionalities, from entertainment and education to productivity and business solutions. Mobile app development is a challenging but rewarding journey that empowers developers to potentially create innovative solutions that can impact and improve the world.

What will you get?

  • Acquire a solid foundation in mobile app development, encompassing programming languages, software development tools, and principles of mobile app design. 
  • Gain hands-on experience by constructing your own mobile apps.
  • Stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in mobile app development.
  • Enhance your resume with a certification in Mobile app development, showcasing your expertise and qualifications to employers.
  • Sharpen your problem-solving and analytical capabilities.
  • Refine your communication and teamwork abilities. 
  • Establish connections with fellow mobile app developers and industry professionals.

This is for you if you are…

A complete beginner

Start your journey to become a Mobile Application developer today.

A career switcher

Switch to Mobile App development and build the future of the technology.

A job seeker

Become a Mobile App developer and land your dream job.

In this module, you will gain a foundational understanding of the principles, tools, and technologies essential for creating mobile applications.

In this module, you will be learning about various programming languages and software tools commonly used in mobile app development, equipping you with the knowledge needed to choose the right ones for your projects.

This module will focus on teaching you the principles and techniques necessary to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for mobile applications, enhancing the overall user experience.

In this module, you will explore the strategies and methodologies for designing mobile app experiences that prioritize user satisfaction, usability, and efficiency, ultimately delivering a seamless and enjoyable interaction for app users.

Building Your First App will guide you through the practical steps of creating your initial mobile application, covering everything from project setup to coding, enabling you to develop and deploy your very first app.

This module will introduce you to the fundamental elements and functionalities commonly used in mobile app development, enabling you to understand and implement essential components like user interfaces, navigation, and data handling.

In this module, you will explore various techniques and technologies for efficiently storing and managing data in mobile applications, allowing you to make informed decisions about the best methods for handling user information and app data.

This module will cover the principles and practices of connecting your mobile app to the internet and external services, equipping you with the skills to implement features such as data retrieval, real-time updates, and communication with remote servers.

This module will teach you how to implement secure user login and authentication systems in your mobile app, ensuring user data protection and access control while enhancing the overall app's security.

In this module you will explore advanced techniques and components for designing sophisticated and interactive user interfaces, elevating the visual appeal and functionality of your mobile app to a higher level.

In this module, you will learn the unique capabilities of mobile devices, including sensors, cameras, location services, and more, to enhance your app's functionality and user experience by utilizing these hardware features effectively.

This module will guide you through the strategies and tools for managing the state of your mobile app, ensuring efficient data handling and user interface updates as your app evolves and responds to user interactions.

In this module, you will learn essential techniques and best practices for thoroughly testing your mobile app, identifying and fixing bugs, and ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience before deploying your application to users.

This module will focus on the process of releasing your mobile app to the public or intended users, covering app store submissions, version control, deployment pipelines, and other essential steps to make your app accessible to a wider audience.

This module will teach you strategies and techniques for improving the speed, responsiveness, and efficiency of your mobile app, ensuring a smoother user experience and addressing common performance bottlenecks.

In this module, you will explore various methods and strategies for generating revenue from your mobile app, including advertising, in-app purchases, subscription models, and other monetization approaches to help you sustain and profit from your app.

This module will cover the essential practices and strategies for keeping your mobile app up-to-date, secure, and relevant over time, including regular maintenance, bug fixes, feature enhancements, and user feedback management.

You'll have the opportunity to explore cross-platform mobile app development frameworks like React Native and Flutter. This module will teach you how to leverage these technologies to build apps that can run on multiple platforms with a single codebase, potentially saving development time and effort.

This module will allow you to choose a specialized path based on your interests and career goals. You can opt for Game Development to learn about creating mobile games or IoT Integration to understand how to connect your mobile app with Internet of Things devices, opening up diverse and exciting opportunities in the field of mobile app development.

In this module, you will learn how to showcase your mobile app development skills by creating a professional portfolio. This module will guide you in assembling and presenting your projects, demonstrating your expertise to potential employers or clients, and helping you establish a strong presence in the mobile app development industry.



Here are some of the questions we get a lot. If you have a question that’s not here, hit us up on support.

Any student who has completed his/her intermediate or is currently enrolled in undergraduate program can be enrolled in this course.

Yes, of course, you will be able to show it off on any platform.

No, you can join only one course at a time.

Yes, of course, you should have your personal laptop.

Voxera's training programs are paid courses. We offer high-quality, professionally designed training that comes with a tuition fee.

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